Guilt, PTSD, and vicarious trauma. Covering tragedies in their communities takes a toll on Latino journalists
Read MoreA new take on a timeless story showcases the cultural nuance and richness of the Latino culture
Read MoreMore women are ‘hitting switches,’ making cars bounce and changing the lowrider scene in Los Angeles. They’re increasingly behind the steering wheels and customizing their cars
Read MoreThe families of assassinated reporters in Mexico face emotional and economic hardships and even death threats in the aftermath of the killings. Francisco Pacheco's family doubled down on their quest for justice
Read MoreLas familias de los reporteros asesinados en México enfrentan dificultades emocionales y psicológicas, e incluso amenazas de muerte. La familia de Francisco Pacheco redobló su lucha por conseguir justicia
Read MoreOver Uvalde and South Texas, politicians have maintained a border security apparatus with thousands of armed law enforcement officers lording over a largely Latino population. It took one young man just minutes to make tragic mockery of an ideological blanket of security
Read MoreThe pandemic exacerbated mental health disorders faced by Latinos and other marginalized groups. Support has been hard to come by. Advocates and therapists say cultural understanding is key to turning things around.
Read MoreTan acostumbrada a preguntar, una periodista fronteriza se queda sin palabras cuando los papeles dan vuelta y son sus hijos pequeños los que exigen una explicación para la que no existen palabras
Read MoreSo used to asking questions, a border journalist is left speechless when the roles are reversed and it is her young children who demand an explanation for which there are no words.
Read MoreCan the Border Patrol’s pattern of mistreating migrants without recourse be reversed?
Read MoreEditor’s Note: In the fall of 2019, palabra debuted, featuring a story about Mexican immigrant Maximiliano Trejo who was caught up in the federal immigration court system and faced deportation. The story detailed how a diverse community of friends and neighbors rallied in support of the dedicated family man who’d become a cherished member of a Dallas neighborhood. This new chapter brings the story almost full circle.
Read MoreEn una comunidad latina cerca de Chicago, demasiadas víctimas de COVID son identificadas como anglosajones, negros, u otros. La clasificación errónea es parte de un problema nacional que empeoró por la pandemia, y podría estar costando a los latinos los servicios de salud pública que necesitan con urgencia.
Read MoreIn a Latino community near Chicago, too many victims of COVID are identified as white, Black or other. The misclassification is part of a nationwide problem made worse by the pandemic, and it could be costing Latinos urgently needed public health services.
Read MorePrivate prisons are closing, but private immigration detention is not. One Virginia town has a decision to make about where it stands
Read MoreHispanics and Latinos are disproportionately in need of donor organs, yet are less likely than non-Latinos to become donors themselves. One journalist is breaking that pattern by starting with himself.
Read MoreSome Latinos love to gamble. Courts have made it easier. So addiction experts fear a recent explosion in sports betting will have a disproportionate impact on the community
Read MoreAs Gabriel Boric assumes the presidency in Chile, and amid the rise of the so-called Pink Tide in Latin America, in Argentina Juan Grabois has emerged as the new social leader. With support from the Vatican, he’s tethering a fresh network of movements in the region
Read MoreMientras Gabriel Boric asume la presidencia de Chile y resurge la llamada marea rosa en Latinoamérica, en la Argentina emerge la figura de un dirigente social. Juan Grabois teje una red de movimientos en la región con el apoyo del Vaticano
Read MoreFrom childhood to adulthood, a writer navigates the distance between white, native, and mestizo people in the borderlands of the Southwest
Read MoreIn a media landscape where Latinos are seldom shown in a positive light,“The Garcias,” offers viewers a show about a middle-class Latino family, living normal, happy lives
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